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  E-MOTION CREATIONS di Pierfrancesco Armati - Multimedia On Line Shop :: Video Editing - schede, periferiche, sistemi :: Convertitori video HDMI, SDI, SD e HD :: Blackmagic Design Broadcast Videohub Matrice di connessione (routing switcher) SDI 72 ingressi, 144 uscite, 72 porte di controllo per videoregistratori promozione

  Blackmagic Design Broadcast Videohub Matrice di connessione (routing switcher) SDI 72 ingressi, 144 uscite, 72 porte di controllo per videoregistratori promozione #2818
Blackmagic Design Broadcast Videohub Matrice di connessione (routing switcher) SDI 72 ingressi, 144 uscite, 72 porte di controllo per videoregistratori promozione  Blackmagic Design Broadcast Videohub Matrice di connessione (routing switcher) HD SDI 72 ingressi, 144 uscite, 72 porte di controllo per videoregistratori promozione

*** incluso supporto tecnico telefonico per una settimana, per la prima installazione ***

Now you can eliminate complicated manual video patching forever! Broadcast Videohub lets you connect all the equipment in your facility and easily change connections right from your computer’s desktop!
Broadcast Videohub is a powerful broadcast grade routing switcher that features a massive 72 inputs, 144 outputs, 72 deck control ports, and auto switching SD, HD, and 3 Gb/s SDI, all in a compact rack mount chassis only a few inches thick.

No Manual Patching!
In the past most studio's have been forced to use manual patching to connect editing workstations and decks. However this can become too complicated for creative designers, graphic artists and editors to understand, plus it gets even more complicated as your studio grows. Manual patching also caused problems with limited SDI cable lengths, and patch cables quickly wear out, so you get glitches as other uses bump them while patching.

Broadcast Videohub eliminates this problem because everyone is permanently connected, and no cables need to be physically changed ever. All video connections are changed from an easy to use software application right from your computer desktop. Unlike manual patching, Broadcast Videohub re-clocks the SDI video signal for long cable lengths. Plus unlike manual patching, you can send one SDI video connection to as many outputs as you like, so multiple people can access any SDI video source, all at the same time.

High end post production and broadcasters have understood the advantages of professional routing switchers for decades, and now with Broadcast Videohub, everyone can afford these same workflow advantages.

Industrial Strength Routing Switcher
With 72 inputs and 144 outputs, Broadcast Videohub is big enough to grow with your company. Broadcast Videohub has enough SDI connections for 72 edit systems or decks, and twice as many SDI outputs, so each user can have a completely independent SDI output for monitoring. 72 deck control ports are also included so you get a complete routing solution.

SDI Re-Clocking
Broadcast Videohub also includes built in SDI re-clockers on each SDI input which regenerate the SDI video signal. Every inch of video cable from your SDI video devices degrades the SDI signal. Expensive premium grade "digital" cables can help, however simply cannot eliminate this loss. With SDI re-clocking you can a regenerated and clean SDI signal out to all the SDI devices in your studio. That means longer cable lengths, and no glitches in your video.

Simultaneous SD, HD or 3 Gb/s Video
Broadcast Videohub makes it easy to run Standard Definition and High Definition equipment now and add 3 Gb/s SDI equipment in the future. That's because Broadcast Videohub handles mixed SD, HD and 3 Gb/s SDI connections all on the same router at the same time. Broadcast Videohub automatically detects when an SDI input changes, and instantly sets all SDI outputs connected to that input to match. SDI re-clocking and output SDI slew rates change automatically.

Independent Monitoring
Because most editors love monitoring direct from the router, Broadcast Videohub has 72 independent SDI outputs totally dedicated for monitoring. Independent monitoring outputs are great when you need to quickly look at decks and other editing systems in your facility. You can also use the extra outputs to connect consumer VHS and DVD recorders via external converters.

Deck Control Routing
With 72 independent Sony™ compatible RS-422 serial control ports included, each editing system can control any deck in your facility. Each deck control connection is independently reversible via software control, so it’s easy to connect edit stations or decks to any of the 72 deck control ports.

World’s Highest Quality 3 Gb/s SDI
With the exciting new 3 Gb/s SDI connections built in, Broadcast Videohub allows twice the SDI data rate than normal HD-SDI. Use 3 Gb/s SDI for high resolution real time 2048 x 1556 feature film editing. 3 Gb/s SDI has full compatibility with SD, HD or 2K in 4:4:4 or 4:2:2 all with a single BNC cable. With 3 Gb/s SDI built in, you have fully compatibility with all your current standard definition SDI and high definition SDI equpment, plus any new formats that come along in the future. With Broadcast Videohub, your studio is future proof.

Network Router Control
Broadcast Videohub uses software control panels that run on Windows™ and Mac OS X™. This lets you control the router from the same system you edit on. Broadcast Videohub connects to any computer via USB and is then shared over your local network. Any computer can be the host, and simply connecting to the router via the USB 2.0 connection activates that computer as the host and allows other computers on your network to connect. Router labels can be changed from any computer and are fully unicode compatible for foreign language support.

Broadcast Videohub lets you connect all the equipment in your facility and easily change connections from your computer’s desktop. Broadcast Videohub is a powerful broadcast grade routing switcher that features a massive 72 inputs, 144 outputs, 72 deck control ports, and auto switching SD, HD, and 3 Gb/s SDI, all in a compact rack mount chassis only a few inches thick.

Connect to all Broadcast Decks
Broadcast Videohub works with all SDI broadcast video decks. Standard definition decks include Digital Betacam™, Panasonic HD D-5™, and older decks such as Betacam SP™ using analog to SDI converters such as Multibridge. HD decks can also be connected such as HDCAM, DVCPRO HD, HD D-5 and Sony HDCAM SR™.

Low Cost Converter
Mini Converter Analog to SDI is perfect for converting from analog video in HD/SD component, NTSC, PAL or S-Video to SDI with the choice to embed SDI audio from balanced AES/EBU or analog audio inputs. Now you can convert analog devices such as Betacam SP, VHS, Set top boxes and HDV cameras to SDI video.

Used by Blackmagic Design
Blackmagic Design's own Singapore based post production company use Broadcast Videohub to tie creative workgroups together. Each user can share decks and change connections right from their desk. On large post production jobs everyone can see what’s happening in other edit suites.

Flexible Distribution
Any input of Broadcast Videohub can be connected to any, and all video outputs. This is fantastic when multiple monitors and displays need to be sent the same video source, such as live events. Broadcast Videohub can send any video input to all 144 video outputs.

Power Fail Protection
For added reliability in critical environments, router connections are preserved in non volatile ram in case of power failure. When power is restored, all connections recover instantly even if the host computer is not connected.

Go the Distance
SDI video connects long distances up to 300 feet or 100 meters, so you can connect everyone together in your facility. Cables are simple BNC coax cables so you can easily make cables to the perfect length for your needs.

Industry Standard Format
Connect to any SDI deck for all industry tape formats, from DV, Digital Betacam™, D1, up to HDCAM SR™ and HD D-5. Using capture cards such as DeckLink you can capture to formats such as JPEG, DV to uncompressed 8 bit, 10 bit or RGB 10 bit.

High Reliability Power Supply
Broadcast Videohub includes 2 high reliability power supplies even though you only need one. The extra power supply is used as a backup and power changes over is instant in case of failure. You could also connect the second power supply to a different power circuit in your building or a UPS. For extra protection in case of a complete power failure, when the power comes back, all your connections are instantly restored.

Dettagli offerta / promozione
Codice Produttore / Manufacturer Code VHUB/BR
Prezzo: Eur14,264.24
compresa IVA al 22% (Eur2,572.24)


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